Learn to Have a Kick Ass Relationship with You AND Your Body. TODAY.

Build Confidence. Burn criticism.


Preface: this is from my old websites blog and wow, this blog post is all over the place. TLDR: you are a unique gift and I want you to see yourself how I see you. Talk to yourself like a good friend and recognize that you will never feel your best in photos unless you have a healthy relationship with your body and yourself. And that you can help yourself see your best features with the right clothing, makeup, hair, and photographer ;)

Now to the post from 2014:

In this post, you'll learn how to kick some ass. And ways you can do it TODAY. Have you ever wondered how to truly love yourself? Have you wondered how to bring out your best features? Well, I gotchoo. We’re gonna have a therapy session first and then I’ll share tips and tricks on clothing, makeup, and hair choices for all body types and skin colors to inspire your photoshoot--or for those who just want a healthy relationship with their appearance! (Scroll to the bottom for a link to some inspiring Pinterest boards.)


Let's be honest. A lot of you think you're incapable of looking amazing. You haven’t felt confident in an unshakable way for years, if ever. You don’t want to take photos until you “lose some weight” or “fix your wrinkles” or ahem, “lose even more weight”.

When was the last time you truly felt unstoppable? Could you take that feeling this very minute and show yourself, inside and out, to the world? The entire world? Confidently?

If you wanted that feeling today, what would you do to make it happen?

There's all sorts of things we could talk about when it comes to confidence, but we're going to focus on appearance here. (I'm a photographer after all.)


Before sharing my advice on flattering outfits, makeup and hair styles, let me give you a pep talk.

Look in the mirror. What's the first thing you notice?

...Not fond about something?


Do you know what flatters your unique body? Do you have pieces that make you feel superhuman? Where it'd be ok for the whole world to watch you? (without the self-doubt?)

 Go stand in front of your mirror and put your weight on your back leg and pop your front leg. Move your arm in different ways and smile at yourself the way you would to a friend.

 You are a GIFT TO THE WORLD. treat your body the best you can, talk to it the way you'd talk to a friend about her body. Then empower yourself by dressing in something truly flattering, bringing out your gorgeous features, and reminding yourself why you deserve to be amazing, look amazing, feel amazing.

A trick that literally saved my life is using “maybe”.

 Use “maybe” to lighten the load.

“maybe I can love my body”

“Maybe I’m good enough”

“Maybe I’m deserving of love.“

I hear this waaaay too much:

"I look fat in this dress"

"I hate my legs"

"I hate my arms”

"Don’t let me look fat!”

"Have you tried the Atkins diet?"

"I need to lose weight"

"...Not until I lose this weight"

"Can you photoshop me to look skinnier?”

 You are not defined by your body.


I used to be obsessed with body image. Eating disorder(s) for 7 years. So don't talk to me about how much you hate your body. I worked damn hard to come into my own and embrace myself and my body and I will not let you tear yourself down the way I did to myself for years.  

It’s so easy to do. And your body can definitely make you feel a certain way. But it’s so damaging to your mind to feed it messages of unworthiness, disgust, hate, shame.

I truly do want you to feel the best you can in your body.

What do you love about your body?

I think I have a cool neck and shoulders. My nose is pretty cute. I have a nice smile, I love that my heart beats everyday so I can BE here and CREATE and connect. My muscles let me carry things, my eyes let me see stuff. These might not be the things other people love about my appearance, but dammit, it's what I love.

You will never be in a state of true health without a good relationship with yourself and your body.


Look in the mirror again. Smile this time. Now find your best features-- do it as though you were a personal stylist who would look for beautiful features, not flaws. Try you best to separate any body trauma you or others have caused yourself and look at yourself objectively. How would you bring out the beauty in that person if you were standing in front of them as a friend who loves them?

 It's possible to look and feel amazing TODAY. Not tomorrow, not when you were in high school, not last week... TODAY.

Repeat after me: maybe I AM good enough.

Maybe I AM deserving of love.

Maybe I AM beautiful.

Maybe I CAN love myself. Today. Right now. As I am in this moment.

It feels a little silly sharing this right after such an empowering moment, but I said I gotchoo with styling so here are some tips and tricks to bring out the best you and radiate that happiness in your photos:


5 Tips for everyone:

That can help style your photoshoot and everyday life

1. Always consider your skin tone and hair color when choosing clothing colors


TIP: Browsing Pinterest or magazines? Always imagine the outfit on your body with your skin tone. The way you look today. It may or may not change your mind.

have you ever bought a pair of jeans online that looked awesome on the model and looked completely different on your body type? Always imagine your own body in any clothing you consider purchasing.


2. Makeup should bring out your best features and eye color. Avoid matching your makeup to your outfit unless it's artistically sound OR a holiday. 


3. Your outfit should FIRST bring out your personality, THEN should flatter your best features.


FACT: I used to dress in whatever made me feel thinnest. And most times, it so wasn't me. I now choose something I feel completely myself in before making sure it's flattering. Sometimes that's a hoodie and jeans.


4. You were born with a sweeeet genetic code. Aaand, you didn't have much control in that choice. But, you do have a choice in what you like and dislike about the appearance you were given, and you can ultimately control how people see you---and how you see yourself. Makeup and hair can be magical.


I love my natural hair color but I choose to dye my hair because I don't feel confident with light hair. It brings out any flaws in my skin, whereas dark hair makes my eyes stand out more. And it fits my personality.


5. Endorphins help to see yourself in a better light. Whether it's 20 jumping jacks, singing a few songs at the top of your lungs, or going on a long run, your brain will work better & you'll focus less on "flaws".


FACT: Did you know singing produces more endorphins than having sex? Totally true.


The following are links to inspiration catered to your unique features. Thanks, Pinterest.





Here's are some other great style boards on Datura Photo's Pinterest page:




HELP: I need makeup advice.




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